Sunday, December 28, 2008

israel - gaza... and who the hell do i send THIS to?

230 dead and counting and many more injured... more than Mumbai yet not a word of censure from any important occidental government official or in the press (except Sarkozy, fer chrissakes!)... no criticism at all... no outrage at America's part in it; no immediate sanctions against Israel... we're the 'good guys', after all...

those dark-skinned nappy-heads with guns and rocks behind the wall there, THOSE are the bad guys... the only voices raised at all, after all, are those of other wogs just like them...

and how else to keep the peace and make friends with your neighbours than to kill them as they go about their daily business? everybody knows that.
they kill a few, you kill a few, they kill a few more, you kill a few more, you know?... eventually - VERY eventually - "they" wake up and beg your pardon... you have no pardon to beg... or to give...
you are the victim, not the perpetrator, you have god on your side and hold the moral high ground (laced, as it is, with American weapons)... how could you ever be wrong? you are the sinned against, not the sinner.

isn't that it? isn't that the argument? look what they have done to us. never look what we have done. how can we do wrong? we are the chosen.

i put it to you that where you were once David, you are now Goliath.
you are an apartheid state that is starting to make the South Africans and even the Nazis look like amateurs.
did you learn nothing from your persecutors except that their might was their right?

then you have the temerity to criminalise, persecute and imprison those who refuse to be part of your wars because they CAN see that the best way to make a friend is not to slap him in the face or kill his child or cut off his livelihood... because they know that there's another way?

what can i do except laugh at you and your claim to victimhood in blank disbelief?
victims don't create victims; they help them. victims don't imagine themselves apart from other victims and continually cite only the wrongs perpetrated against them as their excuse for all they do wrong around them... victims work to create a world free of victims, a world free of exclusive "peoples", "countries" and "beliefs" - the chief causes of victimhood... they do not perpetuate such outmoded and tribal superstitions.

as long as you believe in a "them", you will never look at the enemy within.
as long as you ignore the enemy within, there will always be enemies without.
but there IS no "them", there is only "us" - only all of us here together, you and me and he and she, as a single breath, a single world, a single gesture in space.
from the tiniest bacterium to the vastest bio-forms so huge we haven't begun to intuit their existence yet, we are all one... either we are a cancer on each other and wipe ourselves and everything else out or we help the entire encomium toward better functioning, better life, better conditions...
it is the oneness of our diversity that is our strength; where diversity takes precedence over oneness, illness of the system prevails.

together, as one being, one gesture, sharing our wealths and our knowledges, we can possibly survive, at least for a while. the sound of single hand clapping.
alone, we are less... fewer, less aware, less intelligent and consequently less well protected... less well supported... our survival is a more delicate affair.

we forget that peoples and whole species have come and gone on this little blue planet of ours... we see our couple of hundred years as races of this sort and that sort and our paltry achievements as great science and great civilisation, but - as in the image of Ozymandius - others will look upon our hubris a few years hence and smile sadly (at best, where they do not hate us for all we have destroyed for them)

so we can always be right and they can always be wrong, but this will always depend on who we are and who they are this week which is like a child's game.
or we can join hands and put an end to this now, which is like when mother calls us all home to dinner.

think about it. there is no other way.